1. LB is a genre I've only just started writing in.

2. There are likely to be inaccuracies. I invite you to enjoy my story for what it is... a bit of fun.(g)

3.This story is a fantasy! If you are looking for a realistic story that is based on facts, this is not it. I have made everything up.

4. I am not a professional writer - I'm just someone who loves the boys. My beta readers are volunteers who have willingly given their time to help me and I will always be in their debt. Any errors are mine alone. There are a number of spelling, grammar and punctuation differences between Australia and the USA... please forgive me for writing with an accent. (g)

5. Yes, I love feedback! Drop me a note so we can chat about the boys. I love to hear others views and it means a lot to me when friends (new and old) take the time to send feedback, encouragement and constructive criticism. Please don't bother to send flames. I've lived that hell once and I won't be allowing it to affect me again.

Special thanks to my pards on the Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group and all of the people who have sent me feedback, encouragement and support in the past.

Last, but certainly not least, to my dear friend and beta Teri. Thank you for the laughter, for being there for my tears and for all of the time you give so freely to help me.

The LB universe was created by Barbretta Hayden, K. Poffenberger and S. Berry and the ATF by Mog and I am writing in them because they opened it up to all writers... thank you.

Pair of Few Words

Response to Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group Sept 2008 Challenge - Shock

Chris nodded encouragement to Vin as the paediatrician lifted the child onto the examination table. 

Buck squeezed J.D. who wriggled uncomfortably on his lap, watching the process wide-eyed.   Nathan had referred the boys to a qualified paediatrician for a good ‘once over’.  While the appointments were supposed to be separate, Buck had followed Chris into the room and the doctor, an old friend of Nathan’s, had seen no reason to say anything.

Vin flicked a nervous gaze at the man dressed in black whom he’d only known a month.  Chris slipped his hand around the child’s and nodded again.  Vin raised his face to look up at the doctor with a wary stare.

“I’m just going to have a look at you, son.  Is that okay?” the kindly faced physician asked.

“Only if Uncle Chris says so,” J.D. piped up bravely.

“Shhh,” Buck chastised gently, before giving the doctor a polite smile.  “I’ll keep him quiet... believe me it is easier said than done.”

“Uncle Chris?” Doctor Harris asked.  “May I examine Vin?”

Chris’ chin bobbed.

“He don’t talk much," J.D. offered, helpfully.

"Man of few words," Buck chuckled with amusement.

"Vin don't talk much either.  Uncle Ezra says they's a pair of few words.  What’s that mean, Pa?”

Doctor Harris smiled down at Vin.  “So you two don’t talk a lot. That’s okay.  Sometimes people don’t need to talk.  You can just nod or shake your head to my questions, okay?“  As he looked into Vin’s ears with an otoscope he asked, “Do you think I’ll find Big Bird in here?”

Vin glanced at Chris.  The very slightest smirk creased the blond man’s face.  Vin’s straight mouth lifted a little.

“Big Bird is on Sesame Street.  I watcheded that today,” J.D. announced.  He appeared ready to recount the episode but Buck thrust a piece of apple into his mouth.

The doctor winked at Buck, took out a tongue depressor and held it toward Vin’s mouth.  The child frowned. 

“Open,” Dr. Harris prompted.

Vin looked at his guardian nervously.  Chris squeezed his hand.  There may not be words passing between the blond and the child, but the non-verbal communication in the form of subtle gestures and eye-contact was doing the trick.

Hesitantly, Vin opened his mouth, producing a very narrow gap between his teeth.

“Do you think I’ll find the Cookie Monster down there?” Doctor Harris asked, still trying to calm the child.

Vin remained silent.  J.D. chomped on the piece of apple, shook his head and began to explain through the mouthful of fruit, though it was too muffled to understand.

“Only way to shut him up,” Buck chuckled, ruffling the little boy’s hair. 

The doctor lifted Vin’s shirt and placed a stethoscope on the youngster’s chest. 

Vin’s grip on Chris’ hand intensified. 

Chris placed his other hand on the child’s head and smiled.

J.D. swallowed the rest of the apple and watched intrigued. 

As Doctor Harris listened, he asked, “Do you think I’ll find Elmo in here?”

“Oh, no,” J.D.  replied confidently. “Uncle Josiah says that you’ll find Jesus in Vin’s heart.  Elmo’s on my underpants.”

At first there was silence and then Dr Harris and Buck burst out laughing. 

“Nothing he says shocks us any more,” Buck stated, kissing the top of the little boy’s head.

“You really are a fountain of knowledge, aren’t you?” Dr. Harris chuckled.

J.D. grinned and stated proudly.  “Yep.  I talk a lot.  I’m real good at it, aren’t I?”

Vin and Chris exchanged a wide smile.  “Yep,” they agreed.

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© August 2008 Aussie Lass : This relates only to the creative property in this story. The distinctive way the story unfolds, the specific dialogue and unique situations are mine. I acknowledge that some of the characters and settings belong to the owners of "The Magnificent Seven" and I thank them sincerely for turning a blind eye so I can borrow them. (g) No infrigement of copyright was intended and no profit has been made from this story... so, please don't sue me. It wouldn't be worth your while.

This page is for fan enjoyment and review. I do not own any of the pictures. They remain the property of their original owners. No infringement of copyright is intended. I am making no money from this site... I wish! If you see anything on this page (or any other page on my site) that you believe belongs to you and you would like me to remove it, please just let me know and I will take it down immediately or, if you prefer, acknowledge you in full. (g)