1. I don't write a lot of LB, but they seem to come to mind over Christmas. (g)

2. There are likely to be inaccuracies. I invite you to enjoy my story for what it is... a bit of fun.(g)

3.This story is a fantasy! If you are looking for a realistic story that is based on facts, this is not it. I have made everything up.

4. I am not a professional writer - I'm just someone who loves the boys. My beta readers are volunteers who have willingly given their time to help me and I will always be in their debt. Any errors are mine alone. There are a number of spelling, grammar and punctuation differences between Australia and the USA... please forgive me for writing with an accent. (g)

5. Yes, I love feedback! Drop me a note so we can chat about the boys. I love to hear others views and it means a lot to me when friends (new and old) take the time to send feedback, encouragement and constructive criticism. Please don't bother to send flames. I've lived that hell once and I won't be allowing it to affect me again.

Special thanks to my pards on the Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group and all of the people who have sent me feedback, encouragement and support in the past.

Last, but certainly not least, to my dear friend and beta Teri. Thank you for the laughter, for being there for my tears and for all of the time you give so freely to help me.

The LB universe was created by Barbretta Hayden, K. Poffenberger and S. Berry and the ATF by Mog and I am writing in them because they opened it up to all writers... thank you.

Christmas Wishes

Written for Vin Fanfic and Discussion Group Christmas/New Celebration 2007

J.D. tilted his head back so he could see all the way up to the star. His young face was alive with excitement and wonder. When his Ma had been alive, they’d had a small tree cut from a branch in the back yard. They’d made the decorations out of popcorn and paper. He’d loved it but this… this tree Uncle Ezra had bought and helped to set up was the greatest.

Ezra smiled at the little boy and winked at his companions. It was the first Friday night of the month and so meant cards at Chris’ ranch. However, as it was the first Friday of December, cards had been cancelled and replaced with decorating the house.

“It touches the roof!” J.D. cried, his chubby arm shooting above his head with glee.

“Well, of course, young man.” Ezra glanced at Vin who was seated on the rug, peering down the hall. Chris was in the office working. Larabee had promised to join everyone, ‘later’. They all knew that probably meant he wasn’t going to make it this evening. It didn’t happen often any more, but the men had a huge raid planned for the next day... the culmination of three months work... and Larabee was checking and double checking everything as he always did. Not only did the success of the bust rest on everything going right, the safety of his family depended on it.

“Vin, have you and J.D. done any Christmas shopping yet?” Nathan asked, trying to draw the child’s attention.

Vin turned and his chin bobbed before his eyes darted back in the direction of the office.

Nathan and Josiah exchanged a glance.

“We went with Nettie,” J.D. explained. “She helped us pick things. A pen for Uncle E…”

“J.D.!” Vin cried.

The younger child clamped his hand over his mouth, his eyes widening.

“Hmm. Uncle E… Eric? Ernest? I wonder who he means?” Buck asked seriously.

J.D. smiled. “Can’t tell you. It’s a secret.”

Buck winked at Vin who managed a small smile before returning to his vigil.

“The tree’s up, so we have to do our Chrisssmas wishes,” J.D. stated, turning to face his uncles. All of the adults were seated in the large open family room. The tree, sagging under the weight of decorations, stood close to the wall near the fireplace. Vin was seated on the mat just inside the door so he had a clear view of the office door down the hall and J.D. was standing ‘centre stage’… in the middle of the room.

“Christmas wishes?” Ezra asked carefully.

“Yeah, you have to stand next to the Chrissssmas tree and tell what you wish.”

The adults exchanged glances. “Vin? Do you know anything about this?” Josiah asked.

The sandy-haired child looked up and nodded. “When you put the tree up, you have to tell what your wishes are. Santa hears them.” The moment he was finished, his neck twisted back to the door.

“He said he’d come in later,” Nathan whispered. “What he’s doing is really important, son. He’s making sure we’ll all be safe tomorrow.”

Vin nodded, but his gaze didn’t waver.

Ezra shook his head, acutely aware of what Vin was feeling. He had lived it with his own mother. Others were nice… others had tried to distract him, but he’d just wanted her. “Well, if we must stand by the tree to declare our wishes so the man in the red suit hears them, then we must. I shall go first.” He rose and walked to the tree, his eyes flicking to Vin, hoping this would redirect his attention. Alas, the child’s large blue eyes remained glued to the closed door of the office that held Chris prisoner.

J.D. raced to his father and climbed into his lap. Buck wrapped his arms around him. “Ready. I’m ready. Go, Uncle Ezra.”

Ezra drew in a deep breath. “Let me see. What would I like? I know…”

“You have to hop,” J.D. interrupted.

“I’m sorry?”

“Hop,” J.D. repeated.

Ezra looked at the others perplexed.

J.D. wriggled out of Buck’s lap and demonstrated, bouncing up and down on one leg and wobbling toward the right until he bumped into Nathan who righted him.

“Did you put him up to this?” Ezra demanded of Buck.

Buck shook his head, clearly mystified. “Hop? Why do you have to hop?” he asked his little boy.

J.D. put his hands on his hips. “Cause that’s what you have to do. You have to hop to make your Chrisssmas wishes.”

Buck lifted his gaze to Ezra and beamed. “This is going to be good. You heard him, Ez. Hop.”

Ezra’s eyes narrowed, his gaze cutting Buck before he lowered it to J.D. and smiled. “You’re sure ‘hopping’ is essential ?”


“Are you sure you have to hop?” Nathan translated.

J.D. nodded vigorously, racing back to Buck and scrambling into place to watch the spectacle.

Ezra flicked his gaze to Nathan who was hiding his smile behind his hand and Josiah who was openly smiling like a Cheshire Cat.

“I swear if any of you ever...”

“Hop,” J.D. prompted.

Ezra blinked, muttered something under his breath, then lifted one foot and proceeded to bounce up and down on one leg. Nathan, Josiah and Buck burst out laughing.

“Your wishes!” J.D. reminded his well-dressed uncle.

“Oh… yes… I do believe… I would like a pen.”

J.D.’s face lit up brighter than the flashing lights on the Christmas tree.

Ezra stopped hopping.

“That’s it?” J.D. asked, appearing surprised

“Son, a pen is exactly what I want this Christmas,” Ezra assured, returning to his seat.

“Vin! Vin, did you hear that? Uncle Ez wants a pen!”

Vin looked over at his uncle and grinned. Ezra winked at him.

“Do you want to go next, Vin?” Buck asked.

Vin shook his head and in a very soft voice, declared, “I’ll wait for Chris.”


Silence louder than a freight train.

“I’ll go next,” Nathan offered, moving to the tree. “I think my wish this…”

“Hop!” J.D. cried.

“Oh… my wish… this Christmas is… “

“A book about poems?” J.D. exploded eagerly.

Everyone laughed.

Nathan nodded… still hopping up and down. “That’s… it, J.D. I want… a book about… poems.”

J.D. shot Vin another satisfied look… but Vin’s attention hadn’t shifted.

Josiah rose, walked to the Christmas tree and began hopping. “Father in Heaven… my wish this Christmas is for… World peace.”

J.D. frowned. “Is that all?”

“I’m afraid so.”

“That ain’t much.”

Josiah smiled. “Why don’t you go next, J.D.”

J.D. grinned, leaped to the floor and raced to the tree. “I’m real good at this,” he announced to the group.

He lifted his leg and started hopping, “Santa I wish for crayons, a bike, a ipod, a ….” He started to drift right toward the tree but self-corrected and kept hopping. “…a puppy, a train set….” He toppled and landed on his knees, still smiling. “I got lots again.”

Ezra glanced at his companions. “I do believe I comprehend his mother’s reason for instigating the hoping component of the tradition. I fear if there was no stop-guard we may have been here all night.”

The others nodded happily.

“Vin?... oh, you’re still waiting for Chris,” J.D. realized, skipping back to Buck. “Pa! Pa, you go next!” J.D. cried.

“No worries. I think I’ve got the hang of this now, J.D. You watch your Pa.” Buck swaggered across to the tree, and began to hop. “Santa, I wish for… a bike, a new saddle… chocolate coated nuts… an ipod… a new computer… a train set… some games for the playstation… Shrek 3 DVD…”

J.D.’s eyes got wider and wider as his father continued to bounce without sign of stopping.

“… beer… a plasma TV… a racing car… a popcorn maker… ice-cream…”

“Enough!” Josiah boomed.

Buck stopped.

“PA!” J.D. cried, racing to his father who scooped him up. The boy’s young eyes were wide in awe. “You is the bestest at it. No one is as good as you.”

Buck grinned. “Yep.”

“You want a train set too?”


“We could play with it together.”


As Buck retook his seat with J.D. in his arms, all eyes turned to Vin… who still sat silently waiting for his father.

Smiles dropped. Josiah rose, patted Vin’s head as he walked passed him, moved down the hall and opened the door of the office.

“Let’s play musical chairs!” J.D. cried.

The rest of the men chose to follow the suggestion and set things up. The music was put on, but Vin had risen and was wandering down the hall.

Buck shrugged. “Maybe if he sees Vin he’ll get his ass out here and stop checking everything he’s already checked a dozen times.”



Vin approached the door quietly, waiting for the muffled voices to make sense.

Uncle Josiah: ... which means you have everything in hand.

Chris: I still want to check that Harris will have his men in place, that the warrant is in order and that...

Uncle Josiah: ...okay. Okay. Vin’s...

Chris: Don’t make this harder for me, Josiah. You think I want to be in here missing out on everything.

Uncle Josiah: No.


Uncle Josiah: We’ve been stating our Christmas wishes for this year. J.D. had quite a list.

Chris: Vin?

Uncle Josiah: Is waiting for you before he shares. Look, do what you need to do, but do it in the next half an hour. Then come and join in.

Chris: My Christmas wish...

Vin frowned. Chris sounded so sad.

Chris: I’d give anything to wake up Christmas morning to find Sarah in bed beside me and Adam in his bed. God, Josiah. It gets worse every year.

Vin’s eyes grew wide. His chest tightened so much he could barely breathe. He slept in Adam’s room... in Adam’s bed. Chris wanted... he didn’t want...

Vin turned and darted down the hall and into his room, flinging himself onto the bed and burying his face.


Josiah nodded his understanding.

“If it weren’t for Vin, I’d go out of my mind,” Chris admitted.

“He’s a very special little boy.”

Chris nodded, and the pain in his eyes intensified.

“Talk to me, Brother. Let me lighten your load.”

Chris leaned back in his chair. “It’s nothing.”

“That’s a mighty powerful emotion if it’s nothing.”

Chris sighed. “J.D... nothing.”

Josiah, placed his hand on Chris’ shoulder. “J.D...”

“J.D. calls Buck Pa. God, Josiah. I know it’s stupid, but I’d give anything to hear Vin... for Vin...” He shook his head.

Josiah gripped the shoulder tighter. “Vin isn’t J.D. The boys have only been with us a year. It is going to take Vin longer to take steps like that. Hell, Chris, what you’ve done with that child is incredible. When you found him, he wouldn’t talk except to defend or protect J.D.”

“That’s just it, Josiah, I didn’t do anything. He’s done it himself.”

Josiah smiled. “You gave him the strength, the sense of security and the love he needed to do so. Leave this,” Josiah stated, gesturing to the desk. “I’ll help you with it later. Come on.”

Chris sighed and followed Josiah into the family room. Noting Vin was absent, he wandered back down the hall and spotted the boy in bed. Chris glanced at his watch. It was well passed the boys’ bedtime. Gently he lifted Vin, pulled the covers down, covered the child, leaned down, kissed Vin’s head and then left shutting the door.

He didn’t see the blue eyes open and the tears begin to fall.


Ten minutes later, Buck tucked J.D. into bed. J.D. watched his father go and then sat up. “Vin? You awake?”


“We picked real good presents. Have to go and try and buy some whirl peas for Uncle Josiah. What are they?”

Vin rolled onto his back... in a bed that wasn’t his. In Chris’ son’s bed. The lump in his throat made it difficult to speak. “Chris doesn’t really want me.”

“Huh?” J.D. asked.

“He said he wants Adam back.”

J.D. frowned, his large brown eyes blinking in the darkness.

Vin began to sob. J.D. climbed down from his bed, padded across the carpet and climbed into bed with his cousin. He wrapped his tiny arms around Vin... and Vin cried.


J.D. awoke at dawn. He rolled over and noting Vin wasn’t beside him, called, “Vin?” The five-year-old climbed out of bed and headed to the kitchen where he could hear reassuring voices.

“With Josiah covering the third exit... morning, short stuff,” Buck greeted smiling.

J.D. ran his hand through his tussled dark hair and then rubbed his sleepy eyes. “Uncle Chris, you don’t want Vin no more?”

Buck’s cup paused on its way to his lips and Chris looked back over his shoulder from where he was buttering some toast.

Buck glanced at Chris who turned around. “What makes you think that?” Buck asked, beckoning J.D. over.

“Vin said.”

Chris walked across and crouched in front of J.D. “When did he say that, son?”

“Last night. He said you want Adam back and that you don’t want him no more because that’s your Christmas wish.”

“Chris?” Buck murmured. “J.D.’s probably got it mixed up.”

“Have not. He said he heard you and Uncle Josiah talking and that Uncle Chris said he wanted Sarah and Adam back on Chrissssmas morning. Why don’t you want Vin no more?” J.D.’s huge eyes blinked with such innocence.

Chris straightened and cursed softly. He looked at Buck who stared back it him with great sympathy.

Chris started for the door.

“He’s not in bed. He’s gone.”

“What? Gone? What do you mean, J.D.?” Buck asked, his tone becoming firmer as he picked the child up.

J.D. shrugged. “He’s not in bed. He’s gone.”

Chris walked swiftly through the house checking each room. Then he headed out into the yard, calling Vin’s name.

Moments later he came rushing back into the kitchen. “No sign of him. J.D., did he say anything else?” Chris demanded of the child who was looking very worried.

“He was cryin’. I didn’t know he was gonna leave. You gotta find him, Uncle Chris. He….” Tears began to stream down his face.

Buck picked the child up and hugged him. “We’ll find him, Short Stuff.”

“All of the horses are there, so he’s on foot,” Chris stated quickly, scooping his cell phone off the table. “As soon as I find him I’ll call.”

“The raid?”

“Cancel it.”

“J.D., do you know what time he left?” Buck asked.

J.D. shook his head , watching Chris. “So you do want him to stay?” he sobbed.

Chris didn’t respond, racing out the door.

“Yeah, son. He wants him to stay... more than anything in the world.”



Chris was certain he knew where Vin would head. Their spot. A hidden area at the creek where the tree canopy blocked out the sun and the bushes enclosed it.

Chris strode briskly... jogged... started running. Vin had overheard him say... “God, what’s he thinking?” He already knew that. J.D. had told him.

Agent Christopher Larabee was a man who could handle every situation with a cool head. Drug dealers, thugs attaching him with knives, the odd grenade tossed in his direction – none of it fazed him. But upsetting the little boy who had become his entire world...his reason for getting out of bed each morning...

As Chris approached the area, he heard Vin’s voice. Larabee slowed, listening.

“But... but Uncle Jos..iah you said... that God could... make miracles...” Vin sobbed. “.... Yeah...but... I need one of... God’s miracles for Chris... he wants Adam back... He don’t want... me and...”

Chris pushed a branch aside and stepped into the small clearing.

Vin spotted him and froze. Chris strode across and eased the phone from the child’s hand.

“I’ve got it, Josiah.”

Vin rose to his feet, staring up at the man he adored. His small chest was heaving and hiccupping even though he’d stopped crying. His young face, so swollen and red from gallons of tears, was a kaleidoscope of agony.


“I know... you... want... him... back. I was... asking... Uncle Josiah if he... could pray for a... miracle and...” Tears burst from his eyes.

“I’ve got my miracle right here,” Chris whispered, his own eyes welling. “You heard what I said last night?”

“You don’t... want me... no more. You want Adam back. That... was your wish.”

Chris knelt down in front of Vin and nodded, a single tear rolling down his cheek. “Yeah, I wish I could have Adam back, but that doesn’t mean...” Vin was shaking his head.

Chris reached for his hand, but Vin stepped back.

Chris’ heart twisted. “Vin, if you could have anything, anything in world, you’d wish for your mum back wouldn’t you?”

Vin blinked, wiping his face with his hand.

“Wouldn’t you?” Chris repeated.

An indiscernible nod. The tears stopped. The hiccupping didn’t.

“So does that mean you wouldn’t want me to be your dad any more?”

Vin stared. “ No, you could... marry Ma.”

“So, you’d want and love us both?” Chris asked, again offering his hand.

Vin nodded and stepped closer, allowing Chris to grip in tiny trembling fingers.

“If I could have my way,” Chris whispered, “I’d have you and Adam both.”

Vin swallowed, sniffling. “You’d want me too?”

Chris rose to his feet. “Let’s make our Christmas wishes together.” This morning Buck had described the entire event, so Chris knew how it worked.

“It has... to be next... to the tree,” Vin pointed out.

“That’s a tree,” Chris stated smiling.

Vin found a small smile. Chris took each of Vin’s hands in his and started hopping. Vin watched him for a few second and joined in.

“Our Christmas wish is... that every Christmas we can be together…” Vin blinked up at his father. “We also wish for a go-cart...” Chris paused and nodded to Vin.

“... and a basketball...” Vin stated hesitantly.

“...and a baseball bat...”

Vin’s smile got a little broader. “...and a baseball...”

“... and candy...”

“... and a train set...”

Chris stopped hopping, staring down Vin. The child lowered his leg too. The sounds of the insects serenaded them in the silence. “But most of all, Father in Heaven,” Chris whispered, “I wish my little boy knew how much I loved him and that if he ever left me, I don’t think I’d be able to survive.”

Vin’s eyes glowed. Without warning, he threw himself at Chris.

Chris caught and lifted him, wrapping Vin up in his arms and kissing the top of his head. “You mean everything to me Vin. Everything. You are all I want for Christmas. I love you, son.”

“I love you, too, Pa,” Vin whispered back.

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© December 2007 Aussie Lass. : This relates only to the creative property in this story. The distinctive way the story unfolds, the specific dialogue and unique situations are mine. I acknowledge that some of the characters and settings belong to DC comics and I thank them sincerely for turning a blind eye so I can borrow them. (g) No infrigement of copyright was intended and no profit has been made from this story... so, please don't sue me. It wouldn't be worth your while.

© December 2007 Aussie Lass.

This page is for fan enjoyment and review. I do not own any of the pictures. They remain the property of their original owners. No infringement of copyright is intended. I am making no money from this site... I wish! If you see anything on this page (or any other page on my site) that you believe belongs to you and you would like me to remove it, please just let me know and I will take it down immediately or, if you prefer, acknowledge you in full. (g)